Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Treaty of Versailles and the Nazi Rise

The Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in giving the German people a reason to elect into power the Nazi’s and their ideas on nationalism. The Treaty essentially laid blame on Germany for causing the First World War, which historian’s have come to conclude was a blatant untruth that humiliated the Germans. Germany had 13 percent of its land taken away along with 10 percent of the population, its army reduced to a maximum of 100 thousand soldiers including police and other security officials, submarines were banned from its naval fleet and massive reparations amounted to multiple billions of British pounds.Between Germany’s forced agreement in May of 1919 and the peak of the great depression in 1930, little of the excessive reparations were ever made. It is during this time that Germans had come to realize they would be under an impossible debt for decades, leaving the general populous to put great faith in the ideas of Adolf Hitler.His blame for the e conomy’s downfall rested on the â€Å"Jews† in political power for which their actions, so thoughtless of the true German supremacy, had kept Germany in economic plunder for so many years. His plan for swift economic recovery through the use of military power and authority gave hope to so many Germans who were starving for a powerful Germany, one that would not stand for French and British jurisdiction. Hitler used these ideas to assure the people that Germany would be back on its feet, and the people trusted him.It is said that there existed a belief within the German people that the powers of the Nazi party could be retracted if ever it was to escalate out of control, but such a belief had surpassed feasibility as soon as he been elected chancellor in 1933 and established the Third Reich. â€Å"German Economy in the 1920s,† Daniel Castillo, Dec. 2003, http://www. history. ucsb. edu/faculty/marcuse/classes/33d/projects/1920s/Econ20s. htm â€Å"Treaty of Versai lles,† A&E Television Networks, accessed October 23, 2012, http://www. history. com/topics/treaty-of-versailles

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Are Scientific Investigation and Non-scientific Investigation?

Scientific investigation and non-scientific investigation are fields of inquiry used by scholars, policy makers, health professionals and economists among others, to acquire knowledge that explains the various forms of phenomena that exist in the natural physical environment. Science is derived from a Latin word scientia which literally means knowledge. It is a discipline that deals with the systematic process of gathering knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that are measurable and can be proven by manipulation of data obtained through experiments, and observation (Gaukroger, 2006). Investigation is the process of enquiring into unfamiliar or questionable activities, thoroughly and systematically with the aim getting a solution (Bauer, 1992). Scientific investigation therefore is a method used to acquire knowledge through careful observation of facts of a situation that is unfamiliar or questionable, which helps in the development of a hypothesis from which logical predictions can be proven by way of experimentation, and manipulation of empirical data (Ziman, 2000). Non-scientific investigation on the other hand is devoid of all attributes that are scientific in nature. The careful examination, with the aim of establishing reasons for the occurrence or existence of a particular phenomenon cannot be verified with reference to data gathered by means of experiments, observations, empirical evidence or any other forms regarded as scientific. Conclusions are majorly based on claims, estimations and generalized assumptions that cannot be measured or empirically determined (Proper, 1983). Steps of scientific investigation: The first step involves informal observations of phenomena or behavior in a way that is not systematic. In the process, unique behavior might get noticed within the environment under investigation. For example, it may be observed that people are generally happier in warm sunny days. As questions about events arise, generalizations are made toward the noticed behavior through a process known as inductive reasoning. (Holyoak and Morrison, 2005). This involves using a specific characteristic to make conclusions about the general situation. For example, people are happier on warm and sunny days. The second step involves the formation of a tentative answer known as a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a proposal expressing opinion based on incomplete evidence or a concept that has not yet been verified but that if true would explain a possible relationship between or among a set of phenomena (Burks, 1977). The hypotheses are normally tested using experimental studies to determine their relevance through a series of steps that are repetitive. This provides a consistent way of predicting further results related to specific situations or phenomena (Fraassen, 1980). This begins by listing variables that are associated with the observation. A variable is a condition that has different values for different items. For example, other variables associated with warm sunny days and happiness could be weather and health. There now arises two possible explanations for the observation made; that people are less likely to get colds and flu which limits depression and makes them happy, and people are happier in warm sunny days because the weather is bright and welcoming. At this point, one between the two observations is selected forming the hypothesis which is subjected to further investigation to determine whether it is true or false. Thirdly, is the use of the hypothesis to generate a prediction, which can be tested. This involves applying the hypothesis to a specific real-world situation that can be observed (Patten, 2004). At his level, logic is used to make a prediction through a process known as deductive reasoning where the prediction starts from a general statement to one that is specific (Patton, 2002). For example, if the hypothesis states that less depression is as a result of better lighting, a specific prediction is that, increasing lighting of a building on the ground floor should decrease depression among employees working on that floor. The fourth step is to evaluate the prediction by undertaking the actual research to provide a fair and unbiased result by observing if the hypothesis is correct (Bunge, 1998). Finally, observations are used to back, refute, or to refine the original. This is based on the extent to which observations agree with predictions. If they agree, new predictions can be set and tested. If not, then the hypothesis needs to be revised because it is wrong. The scientific process is a repetitive, circular, spiral process and not a linear process (Maleske, 2005). Other elements of scientific investigation All scientific investigations must be objective. They should not be influenced by personal feelings or opinions of the party carrying out the investigation but rather by facts that can be proven (Neuman, 2006). This reduces the eventuality of biased interpretations and conclusions of results from an investigation. Scientific investigations must be documented. Official records should be kept for use as evidence or proof that investigation on a particular phenomenon actually took place. This would lend credibility to the process in case any there is need for further investigation (Krippendorff, 2004). Another basic expectation is to archive all documented work resulting from scientific investigation. This involves storage of information that is not often needed into various forms of storage media like tapes, disks, paper, and slides for future reference. Data and methodology from scientific investigations must be shared to allow for careful scrutiny by other scientists. This allows other researchers the opportunity to carefully scrutinize results and also verify them by attempting to reproduce them through a practice called full disclosure (Holton, 1988). Finally, scientific investigations must allow for statistical measures of reliability of the data to be established. Non-scientific investigation Non-scientific investigation is a process of inquiry into particular phenomena existing in the natural physical environment in a manner that is not systematic. The major aspects of non-scientific investigation are qualitative in nature, in the sense that the process of inquiry is not based on facts and data that is measurable and can be empirically manipulated to arrive at conclusions but reasoned explanations, estimations, generalized assumptions and comparisons form the basis of non-scientific investigation (Salmon, 1990). Forms of non-scientific investigation Tenacity is used to acquire knowledge from habit or superstition. Repetitive and predictable events form the basis upon which knowledge is acquired. There is no actual observation and examination of variables through research. As Stanovich (2007) observes, the element of repetitiveness and predictability hold a critical place in the field of science. Intuition is another form of non-scientific investigation through which knowledge is acquired. The substance of the matter under investigation is determined by a hunch or feeling that could be emotionally motivated or not (Stanovich, 2007). Through keen observation or by reading other sources, feelings and emotions may be invoked triggering studies that end up on conclusions being made. The nature of conclusions depends on the emotional disposition of the investigator. Authority by experts is another form of non-scientific investigation (Thurs, 2007). This is simply derived from the idea that expert opinion is based on information acquired earlier through various forms. Due to the fact that individual experts are expected to offer leadership in their areas of specialization, they easily contribute information which is presumed to be knowledge. Rationalism is another form of non-scientific investigation where knowledge is acquired from reasoning and making of logical conclusions (Audi, 1999). Simply put, rationalism is based on appeal to logic. However, logic may not necessarily explain phenomena as certain information may be convincing though such may fail the knowledge test. Lastly is empiricism which relates to acquisition of knowledge from direct sensory observation (Keeton, 1962). This is heavily dependent on the five senses possessed by a human being including the sense of touch, smell, taste, sound and sight. Conclusion Scientific and non-scientific investigation offer useful skills of inquiry that can be used hand in hand. These two processes complement each other throughout the whole investigative process to bring about a more comprehensive and tangible investigation (McComas, 2002). The steps under scientific investigation are punctuated by elements of non-scientific investigation giving it substance and credibility that is necessary for the process to be complete. The following non-scientific forms of investigation roughly show the correlation that exists with the scientific forms, observation (method of empiricism), reading other researchers’ articles (method of authority) (MacMorris, 1989). For an investigation to be deemed complete and comprehensive, scientific investigation and non-scientific investigation must be used together.

Comparison Between Beowulf the Epic and Beowulf the Film Essay

Contrast and Similarities between Beowulf and â€Å"Beowulf† Beowulf, an epic written down in the year 1060 by the Beowulf Poet, is the epitome of what true writing is, defining the standard of the epic itself. The more modern film of â€Å"Beowulf†, produced in 2007, is an attempt to do justice to the Beowulf Poet’s masterpiece. The poem and film have several key similarities and differences which influence the reader/viewer. Important similarities between the two include the heroic characteristics of Beowulf and the severing of Grendel’s arm; however, the movie does have some drastic differences from the text such as Beowulf’s seduction by Grendel’s mother, and how the product of this sin is his son the dragon, while in the text this beast is regarded as a rogue monster. Similarities between the text and the movie are established to stay true to the theme of Beowulf, a theme in which a hero conquers great odds and shows what the epitome of humanity can achieve; this theme is essential to the development of any true epic. The most prominent similarity between the two is the characteristics granted to Beowulf, the key trait being arrogance. Arrogance is an important trait of any epic hero, in the film this arrogance is established in Beowulf’s tale of swimming in the ocean during which he states he slew several sea monsters, however in the background his followers can be seen stating that the original number was much smaller than Beowulf has stated. This arrogance is mirrored in the text when Beowulf is proclaimed as â€Å"†¦the strongest of the Geats – greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world† (Beowulf Poet 110-111), while in truth it is unlikely that he was the greatest warrior of the time, making this a very boastful statement. This arrogance is again mirrored when Beowulf refuses to fight Grendel with any weapons or armor, in the film he simply strips before sleeping and in the text he states that â€Å"†¦My Lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster.† (Beowulf Poet 169-174). This arrogance is persevered in the film to demonstrate the characteristics of a hero. At the time heroes were people who had such a boastful attitude, thus the film writers made sure to impart this narcissism onto the viewer to show Beowulf’s strength of attitude. The film establishes a second similarity to the text by  illustrating Beowulf’s fight with Grendel. Beowulf is displayed grappling around with Grendel and eventually removing his arm, claiming it as a sign of â€Å"The Victory, for the proof, hanging high from the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster’s Arm, claw and shoulder and all† (Beowulf Poet 356-358). This â€Å"prize† is an important object that is established in both the text and the film to display both the epic struggle between Beowulf and once more show how strong Beowulf truly was, further establishing him as an epic hero. During the course of the film, there are some artistic liberties taken which change the plot from that of the text; these changes were made to display a more unified tale between that of the younger Beowulf and the older Beowulf. These differences begin immediately following the death of Grendel, coming to head when Beowulf confronts Grendel’s mother. In the text, Beowulf is seen to fight with Grendel’s mother until â€Å"Her body fell to the floor, lifeless, the sword was wet with her blood† (Beowulf 523-524). This is a drastic difference from the film, where Grendel’s Mother is shown seducing Beowulf promising him a long life and a successful reign if he gives her a son along with the golden horn he received for killing Grendel. This change was made to make a smooth transition between the two parts of the epic, the first concerning Grendel, the second concerning the dragon. It is at the end that the second change, and the product of the transition, is sh own. This product is the dragon, who is shown to be the son of Beowulf and Grendel’s Mother. This further differs from the text where Beowulf fights a â€Å"dragon hiding in his tower† (Beowulf 610) that has been terrorizing the country side, not his own offspring. These changes are made to make a connection between the two parts of the epic tale of Beowulf. In the text, the tales of the dragon and Grendel are completely unrelated thus may be viewed with some confusion by the reader. However, when the dragon is shown to be Beowulf’s son who comes back for revenge, the death of Beowulf is that much more conclusive showing him wrapping up the mistakes of his life and fully concluding his tale. The differences and similarities between Beowulf and â€Å"Beowulf† are precisely placed in order to retain what makes Beowulf an epic tale, while the  differences help to establish a smoother transition and backstory between Beowulf and his fight with the dragon. Similarities between the two include Beowulf’s epic characteristics and his fight with Grendel; while the key differences are Beowulf’s failure to slay Grendel’s Mother and his fight with his own son, the dragon. In the end, the stories effectively conclude the tale of Beowulf and demonstrate how effective both similarities and differences can be at changing ones viewpoint.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Corporate governance - Essay Example Moreover, evidence of working together as a team and the essence of synergy would always ensure sustainable competitive market. This is what is targeted as one of the most principle aspects by investors and its slightest brink make an organization susceptible to tragic downfall incase of scam or misappropriation (Geel 2011). Hawkama, an institute of corporate, being put in place by independent international institutions that teamed up together, was meant to reform good governance by helping the countries that participated in the treaty to have good financial and economic integration amongst them and other countries across the globe. The main mission of the Hawkama treaty was to help the countries involved develop good strategies necessary to improve universally, well integrated corporate governance. Besides, it was meant to enhance efficiency in relation to coordination, designing, planning and actual rolling of proficient corporate governance reforms. Moreover, the institution is eq uipped with the right assessment tools to help in determining the outcome of corporate governance policies at all private sectors. Hawkama article, however, recommended the following as the right governance steps (Bornstein 2005). Demonstrating commitment to good corporate governance For an organization to reap the benefits of good corporate governance, it must demonstrate its willingness of putting the practice to the later. All the stakeholders, which are considered as part and parcel to an organization must show commitment and join hands in working together towards building a single business case of corporate governance. For this to be effectively enacted, managers of the organizations and other leaders should be encouraged to attend talks about institutional good governance. Hypothetically, the article has given an illustration on how the commitment of leaders in an organization can actually motivate the members to produce substantially operational and markets and the higher pro fit results and this would attract more investors into such organizations (International Finance Corporation, Hawkamah 2008). Planning and setting priorities Organizations that expect to bear advantage of good governance, must seek to avail adequate measures that would ensure more attention is given to the important and urgent duties. This success is profusely possible only when an organization is able to make comparative difference between its performance and its competitor as a way of identifying the relevant governing principles. In this case, their right choice of practices is to avert any slightest action considered vise to the relationship of the organization either internally or externally with other stakeholders (International Finance Corporation, Hawkamah 2008). Implementing good board practices Board is considered as the key aspect where issues relating to corporate governance are strategized. In this case, the board plays the role of strategic guidance and oversight manag ement during implementation of corporate governance. Besides, it carries out a mandate of a trustee to the shareholders. Most basically, how the board would fulfill its responsibilities is used as a determinant by investors to assess the potentiality of an organization. If the board is given an authority to run as an independent, professional and most predominantly a vigilant body, then it would ultimately succeed to the achievements of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law Breaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law Breaking - Essay Example The article has used the classical theory to explain the events and behaviors of this gang, which views that punishment and deterrence, should be the basis for crime control. In this article much has been said on deterrence whereby most of the gang members have already been arraigned in court charged, and others have already been put in custody for their actions. From the article thus; we can clearly see the reaction of the Federal District, as being driven by the classical theory and, therefore, taking the action of prosecuting and deterring the offenders, as a means of correcting their antisocial behavior. From what the article reports, it would be agreeable to say that not much information has been given on the crime activities of the "six folk nation" gang. It would, therefore, be stated that the crime has been implicitly theorized. In this case thus; the article gives just enough information to pass the message, about the illegal actions of the gang. However, though, there is a description of the activities that took place in April and September 2008, there is no clarity on the actual events of the two occasions to make the theorization explicit. It is thus implicitly theorized. From my view, crimes in society are partly caused by the social structure of the people. This is how people tend to group themselves depending on their social class, level of education and others. In the case of "six folk nation" gang, maybe a closer scrutiny of the composition would elicit ideas that the members of the gang belong together in the social structure and thus support each other’s action regardless. According to lecture 1 on law breaking, the system of organization among the members of a particular social group is likely to cause crime. In

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nuclear Plant Safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nuclear Plant Safety - Research Paper Example There are different reasons for the use of nuclear power as energy sources but there are more reasons to stop their operation, if not, reduce their use. This paper will provide a background on the history of the use of nuclear power in the United States. Some incidents that display the disadvantages of nuclear power plants will also be presented. In the end, a conclusion will be provided. The History of Nuclear Power in the United States Oil, natural gas and coal were traditionally used as sources of electricity but the scarcity of these resources has led people to search for other sources. One of the main concerns of the government then was that these scarce resources have become expensive. Furthermore, the use of coal, fossil fuel and oil were reported to emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide, which is a substantial greenhouse gas. Nuclear power was primarily used for weapon production. The atomic bomb was the prime weapon, which makes use of nuclear power. The atomic bomb is integrated in a hydrogen bomb. The hydrogen bomb functions in three distinct stages: first, the atomic bomb explodes through a fission reaction; a second bomb, which is composed of lithium and deuterium undergoes a fusion reaction; then, a third explosion occurs when the uranium component undergoes a fission reaction (Caldicott, 2006). The first casualties of hydrogen bombs were the Japanese. In the Second World War, the United Stated deployed two atomic bombs – one in Hiroshima and the other in Nagasaki. The bombs were reported to have caused the death of more than 200,000 Japanese people (Caldicott, 2006). After the Second World War, other countries were able to produce nuclear bombs. In the end however, countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in the hope of disarming all nuclear weapons; whereas nations without nuclear weapons would not be able to develop such weapons (Caldicott, 2006). The treaty is an important agreement to hinder the detrimental and destructive effects of nuclear bombs. Due to the treaty, the use of nuclear power went into a limbo until it was used as a source of electricity. This energy source was believed to be cheaper than other sources such as coal and fossil fuel as it produces higher wattages of electricity. From then on, constructions of reactors continued until 1978. To this day, there are about 112 nuclear plants built within the United States (Greenwald, 1991). Some of these plants have already encountered certain malfunctions. Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plants In March 28, 1979, the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear plant in Pennsylvania experienced a near meltdown. This was the worst nuclear accident experienced by the United States. â€Å"Scientists determined that a jammed valve had caused cooling water to drain from the reactor core† (Presutti, 2011). As a result, the fuel core became uncovered and then it overheated, causing a partial meltdown. About 120,000 people were evacuated. Fortu nately, only a small amount of radiation was able to escape from the facility. The Reactor that almost resulted to a meltdown was permanently shutdown though a part of TMI nuclear plant is still operating. This incident allowed for a more serious review of the nuclear policies in the United States and also halted the approval of establishments of more nuclear plants (Presutti, 2011). The TMI incident was attributed to lack of training of staff,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle + When Theres No Such Thing as Too Article

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle + When Theres No Such Thing as Too Much Information - Article Example lity products developed, acceleration pedals that stuck on the loose floor mats and the sticky pedal materials after exposure to moisture and friction (Cusumano 34). Answer: In my opinion, Toyota was not comfortable with its success. This was because; the company kept on trying to rise far above its competitors. Another thing was the company was keen to give customers the best quality especially after the many complains. A comfortable company could have just sat and continue production without minding the many companies made. Answer: Several things have surprised me about the article. One, the author seems to be so keen on every aspect of Toyota Company as far as automobiles are concerned. Two, another surprise is on how Toyota has managed to remain in the top of the auto industry even after being the company with the most defects detected. Answer: Blockbuster Video rental chain has been a thriving company until the introduction of technology. Majority of the people now are able to access online videos, which has reduced the customers flow to the rental shops. Answer: Pillsbury is a food production company. Due to its growing global market share the business has a growing information need for both its customers and its employees. It now uses StatServer to convey customized data, analysis and educate employees on their desktops (Tibco 1).The tool has enhanced the company’s productivity by allowing employees to upgrade individual desktop data analysis tools. Apex industries deal with plastic fabrications. It employees comprise of a team of engineers, artisans, and project managers. To continue providing high quality products and services to their customers, the company uses a refined ERP system (Localdirectory 1). This has enabled them earn a high customer satisfaction and employee efficiency in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Debate about Quasi-Military Style Policing Essay

The Debate about Quasi-Military Style Policing - Essay Example As such, this effective red-tape that hinders the proper working of the police force is a common problem across the world. In this context, it is also important to note that most police departments operate as quasi military entities. Police personnel wear uniforms, carry weapons for self defense and are organized along the hierarchical structure described above according to their rank. As such, an officer within this chain functions under a authority in which the orders flow in a single direction i.e., top to bottom. Like the case with the military, the police have often abused their powers and have resorted to various crimes apart from being riddled with corruption in various forms. As such, the military model of this quasi structured organization has created problems. By deeming that anything against crime is genuine, police can often embrace the belief that anything in justified in a war like situation. This not only leads to violence as a result of the abuse of power by police officers, but can also create serious rifts between them and the general population. However, despite these negative traits, a police force performs several important duties that are important for the maintenance of law and order and to keep crime under check if not do away with it completely. The police department, through its ranks, operates in an organized fashion and maintains control during occasions where a large number of people come out to interact with one another. Likewise, the police department maintains an intelligence arm much like its military counterpart and gathers information about the events and trends in the local area, allowing its decision makers to make the proper and timely choices necessary to keep illegal elements within check. Further, it is this very quasi static structure that provides the necessary structure that allows several

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Increasing use of Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Increasing use of Medical Marijuana - Essay Example So, the medicines developed from cannabis are also known as psychoactive drugs. So, these drugs are offered high attention by the young generations of this era as compared to many other medical drugs (Politics. Co.UK. n. d). Cannabis is recognized as marijuana. Cannabis or marijuana drugs are mainly used as a stimulant to increase the appetite of the body, improve the mood or relaxation of the entire body. So, it is also recognized as recreational drugs and excess intake of these drugs might cause negative impacts over the health of the body such as anxiety, reddening of the eyes, dry mouth, loss of memory and many others. Therefore, due to these sorts of side effects, it is illegal to carry or consuming a small amount of cannabis or medical marijuana in any of its form. But, in-spite of implementation of numerous rights and regulations of the government, the use of cannabis or medical marijuana is increasing at a rapid rate among the individual of all age groups and all income groups (Politics. Co.UK. n. d). Cannabis or medical marijuana is considered as one of the most illicit drug in the entire globe, but legalizing its use for medical purposes created a considerable challenge for all. Due to such legalization, the usage rate of medical marijuana increased mainly among the youth adults of age-groups, 12 to 20 years. However, the rate of consumption of medical marijuana is also extremely high in the nations comprising of numerous rules and laws against its consumption rather than those, without comprising any laws. Therefore, due to increased rate of consumption of medical marijuana, the rate of crimes, alcohol consumption, loss of memory and deaths increased to a significant extent as compared to previous era. According to a research, conducted by Moir & et. al. (2008), it might be clearly depicted that the smoke of cannabis or marijuana comprises of more than 15,00 harmful and toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide, irritants, hydrogen cyanide,

Business Plan Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Plan Assignment - Coursework Example We believe in creating a long-term value for our clients, employees and the community via an insightful professional program. RABCO Accounting consultant will be a highly visible consulting firm that would be well known for its highly professional duties regarding accounting, taxation and auditing. In the long run, we will be looking on the means to expand our services to include the partnering with the upcoming businesses that requires guidance in their efforts to make profits. The firm will offer the technical services in an effort to ensure that the firms can stand in the highly competitive business environment. The assistance to the growing firms will ensure a long relationship that would result to the profits in our firm. The mission and vision of the company will propel our goals. We target to become the best consulting company in the country in the next five years. This goal will only be enabled by our hard and dedicated work to providing excellent services to our clients. The clients will give as a support by referring their colleagues to us if only there are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt with the services we provide to them. RABCO Consulting Company was mainly motivated to enter into the market by the growing number of clients that want the accounting services nationally (Hovers, n.d.). There are however a growing number of graduates that are qualified and were ready to offer their skills in the accounting firms. The company enters into the field with the intention to offer efficient services to enhance the productivity and to grow their profits, Given that there are some well-known accounting firms in the land, it will not be easy for RABCO LTD to make an impact at the first entry (Wiley, 2008). The company will rely on small companies that do not have adequate finances to hire the services of the giant accounting firms. The firm will have

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Anyone lived in a pretty how town by E.E. Cummings Essay

Anyone lived in a pretty how town by E.E. Cummings - Essay Example The poem addresses one of the most major concerns for individuals in any society: the fear of dying alone and without touching the heart of another person. The main character in the poem is a lively man: â€Å"he sang his didn’t he danced his did† (Cummings); however it is clear that the people around him did not notice or care about his existence: â€Å"Women and men (both little and small) cared for anybody not at all† (Ibid.). This basic premise of the poem is very simple however it reflects the plight of many people in society who try their best to live life to the fullest and simply cannot hold the attention of anyone else who wishes to share it with them. Anyone is not an outwardly timid man, nor is he particularly a social outcast, it is simply that he does not have a partner in life and the fact that â€Å"someones married their everyones† (Cummings) merely highlights the fact that Anyone was alone in a world where everyone else seemed to find happiness with other people. Anyone is aptly named because he can literally be anyone, anywhere, who struggles to be appreciated and loved by one other special person (Baum 162). Noone is an elusive character who it eventually becomes clear does not actually exist at all. She is presented as the admirer of Anyone, at first: â€Å"Noone loved him more by more†¦she laughed his joy she cried his grief† (Cummings). The children in the town comment about how Noone loved Anyone, and while this seems like it might allude to the fact that Anyone is loved by someone who he does not love in return, it becomes apparent that Noone is more of a dream that Anyone has (Deutsch 114). He thinks about the non-existent Noone who might share in his life; he carries this dream with him until his death when â€Å"Noone stooped to kiss his face† (Cummings). In this ending sentiment in the life of Anyone, the poet finally admits that Anyone’s lover did

Monday, July 22, 2019

Supporting Notes Essay Example for Free

Supporting Notes Essay The practitioner we were most inspired by was Katie Mitchell. The crucial idea behind Katie Mitchell is that of Stanislavsky, naturalistic but with a contemporary twist. We chose to explore an extract from Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen. Being, a naturalistic play, we thought that by using Katie Mitchell as our practitioner, we would be able to put a slight twist onto the dated play, and gain more knowledge of the characters. This involved us researching the era of the play, the characters with depth, and the specific extract we were choosing to do. Katie Mitchell focused on exploring the characters with much depth, and allowing a real portrayal to be shown to the audience, in order for them to relate to. After researching into the background of Katie Mitchell, we found that she directed Ghost, another Ibsen play, which encouraged us to explore other Ibsen plays. This led us to Hedda Gabler, a naturalistic play in which we believed we could adapt and direct to suit Katie Mitchell’s style of play. By following the book ‘The Director’s Craft’, we could gain an insight into her ways of directing and how she believes you should work in order to achieve a certain style of play. The exploration of the characters within the play, allowed us to record a backlist of what we believe may have happened, allowing a bigger picture to form in which we could establish what we thought the play was trying to achieve. This allowed us to create more believable characters and discuss what we believe to of happened between the time gaps between the scenes. Katie Mitchell’s idea of performing a play is that to completely immerse yourself within a character, and imagine you are them from all angles, this allows us to understand emotions and feelings behind the character. We chose an extract mainly reliant upon having two female speaking parts, however, allowed a good scope to improve and explore acting styles to suit this extract. Although the play didn’t advise much movement for this extract, we believe there is much that can be done in order to increase the tension and difficultness between both the characters within this scene.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare

Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd.(GSKCH) is an Indian associate of GlaxoSmithkline plc,U.K. GSKCH is one of the largest players in the Health Food Drinks Industry in India. The Company, with its manufacturing plants located in Nabha, Rajahmundry and Sonepat. Has a total workforce of over 2700 people, each driven by a spirit of enterprise.Its flagship product, Horlicks, is a highly respected brand which is over 100 years old in India. The Company also manufactures and markets Boost, Viva, Maltova, Biscuits and in addition promotes and distributes number of products in diverse categories, including prominent brands such as Eno, Crocin, Iodex.GSKCH has a strong marketing and distribution network in India comprising over 1800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 4,00,000 retail outlets. . The company has dedicated consumer healthcare RD center takes research as seriously as marketing excellence, offering cutting-edge capability in both. MISSION STATEMENT Our Global Quest is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. As a Global Organization, we are united in our approach to how we conduct ourselves. For us to take pride in our contribution and make a difference, we all must be in touch with the elements that make us successful. OUR SPIRIT We undertake our quest with the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, excited by the constant search for innovation. We value performance achieved with integrity. We will attain success as a world class leader with each member of our team contributing with passion and an unmatched sense of urgency Our spirit gives us the qualities as individuals and as an organization that will enable us to turn our opportunities into achievements. Our spirit will guide us, keep us focused, and differentiate us from the competition. OVERVIEW of company The first plant was set up at Nabha by M/S Horlicks was being imported and marketed India after being packed in the bottles. The reason why the plant to produce Horlicks was set up in Punjab(Nabha) was because the import of Horlicks was stopped by the government of India,following which the company decided to set up a plant in India itself and the raSw material i.e.milk was available in Punjab.The Maharaja of Nabha laid this foundation stone of the factory. Maharaja Pratap Singh In Nabha on 31st May 1959. The Factory went in for production in March 1960. Barley Malt and Wheat Flour were easily available but the procurement of milk was creating a problem. So to solve it,many milk centres were opened in village around Nabha. Field Officers were appointed to go to the villages for guiding and encouraging farmer to sell milk and tame more milk giving animals for the better income. In the very first year the factory earned profits and about 37% bonus was distributed amongst the employees. Within five years the factories production capacity doubled as the demand for the Horlicks increased and in period of nine years there was four-fold increase in the production of Horlicks. As the demand went on increasing, the production of Horlicks also increased in the Nabha unit. However there was still a gap between the demand and supply therefore, 50% workmen were made permanent and the casuals were enrolled as per the requirement. As the main market for sale was in the south and west of India, the need was felt for establishing small packaging stations of Horlicks is dispatched from Nabha in bulk quantity to Different packaging stations namely Calcutta, Madras, Hyderabad, and Ballabgarh. Only the Calcutta packaging stations, is owned by the company the other packaging stations are on contract. COMPANY PROFILE Company Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. Head Office Gurgaon,Haryana Registered Office Nabha(Punjab) Status Multinational Co. Sales Turnover (2006) Rs. 12,143 (millions), 11.5% increase as . compared last year Profit Before Tax (2006) Rs. 1,905.6 (millions) Export Operations to places Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Middle East, Nepal, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Fiji SECOND LARGEST COMPANY GlaxoSmithkline Consumer Healthcare(GSKCH)is the worlds second largest over-the-counterhealthcare products company and is also ranked second globally in sales of oral-care products. GSK is one of the worlds leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, with annual sales of nearly $3billion in 2001 an estimated seven percent of the worlds pharmaceutical market. GSK has over 100,00 employees worldwide. Every second, more than 3 doses of vaccines are distributed by GSK. Every minute, more than 110 prescriptions are written for GSK products. Every hour, GSK spends more than $45000to find new medicines HISTORICAL BACKGROUND GlaxoSmithKline is a pharmaceutical and healthcare company born out of the merger of two leading international organizations. Smithkline Beecham and Glaxo Welcome. Its global mission is To Improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more,feel better and live longer. THE YEAR 1955 Horlicks a milk product manufactured by Horlicks Ltd. Slough, England was being imported, bottled and sold in India. Due to changes in import policy import stopped. THE YEAR 1956-57 A team from the organization visited to explore the possibilities of setting up a plant with the support of Maharaja of Nabha, His highness PRATAP SINGH, and a plant was set up at Nabha. THE YEAR 1958 On May 31st 1958, Mr. Pratap Singh laid the foundation stone of the Company at Nabha. THE YEAR 1960 On 24th March 1960, the factory went into Production. THE YEAR 1969 Horlicks Group disposed off their holding in India and U.K. To BEECHAM GROUP OF INDUSTRIES which is multinational and owns more than 200 countries engaged in manufacturing of Brylcream , Haircream, Eno fruit salt, Toothpaste , Pure Silvikrin etc. Immediately after taking the management, Beecham Group shifted its head office from Nabha to Delhi. THE YEAR 1979 Beecham India (Pvt.) Ltd. Mumbai merged with Hindustan Milkfood Manufacturers Ltd. and the name was changed to H.M.M.Ltd.Beecham Group Plc. THE YEAR 1991 Smithkline U.S.A. merged on September 16,1991 to form Smithkline Beecham consumer Brands,Plc. with its registered office in the U.K. H.M.M. became a part of smithkline Beecham Consumer Brands, one of the three sector of Smithkline Consumer Brands Ltd. THE YEAR 1994 The name was changed to Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. to reasset the companys promise of providing Healthcare to consumers. The company decided to do away with its toiletry products and sold its brands like Brylcream and Silvikrin to Sara Lee. THE YEAR 2000 The Company acquired MALTOVA and VIVA brands of nutritional from Jagjit Industries Ltd. A merger took place between Smithkline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome and the new company Glaxo Smithkline (GSK) was formed on 27-12-2000 THE YEAR 2002 : Change of name took place effective April 23rd, 2002. THE YEAR 2004 : The Bank of Punjab has tied up with the company for facilitating finance on attractive terms to its milk suppliers. The company started packing Horlicks in  ½ kg and 1 kg pouches. Packing machines was imported and installed. As the main market for sale of Horlicks was in the South and East India, need was felt for the sale of Horlicks in small units of the country. Therefore packing station was opened at different places. At present Horlicks is dispatched from Nabha in bulk quantity to the following packing stations: The Company has established a new plant in Sonepat with a capital layout of Rs.246.69 crores.This plant is fully automatic using Spray Dry Technology. This plant has the State of Art Plant and machinery, and is biggest Spray Drying Plant in Asia with European GMP and safety standardsThe Companys manufacturing facilities at Nabha, Sonepat and Rajamundry have received prestigious ISO 14001,ISO 901 certification and its packing facility at Hyderabad and Ballabhgarh continue to maintain the prestigious ISO 9001 certification by SGC, a leading International Certification Company. Company has also started B2B operations with its leading vendor for the purchase of raw material and service under the area information technology. The company has implemented two ERP packages namely JD Edwards and AS400 and connecting up all its business locations all over the country via satellite link. DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW The various departments in GSKCH LTD. Located at Nabha are: Human Resource and Administration Department. Manufacturing Department. Procurement Department(Milk Sourcing Procurement and Purchase Department) Quality Assurance Department. Total Quality Management Department. Information Resources(IR) Finance Department Warehouse Supply Chain Management Engineering Department. Environment, Health and Safety Department(EHS). INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC The term labor welfare refers to the facilities provided to workers in and outside the factory premises such as canteen, rest room, recreational facility, housing and all other services that contribute to the wellbeing of workers In the early stages of industrialization. Welfare activities for factory workers did not receive adequate attention. Employers were not inclined to accept the financial burden of welfare programs. Whenever employers provide for such amenities, it was more with a Paternalistic approach to labor rather than a recogonisation of a worker needs. Hence state has to intervene and compulsory provisions are thus incorporated in factories, other establishments where manufacturing is carried out. Welfare is anything that is done for the comfort o and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. Welfare measures need not in monetary terms only but it can be any kind or form. Labor welfare entails all those activities which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages and salaries. OBJECTIVES- TO PROVIDE BETTER LIFE AND HEALTH TO WORKERS TO MAKE THE WORKERS HAPPY AND SATISFIED. TO RELIEVE WORKERS FROM INDUSTRIAL FATIGUE AND TO IMPROVE INTELLECTUAL, CULTURAL AND MATERIAL CONDITIONS OF LIVING OF WORKERS. The govt. of India has enacted various labor laws, social security and welfare schemes to adequately protect the interest of working class. In case of welfare provisions we have a distribution of statutory and non- statutory measures or voluntary measures- STATUTORY MEASURES WASHING FACILITY STORING AND DRYING CLOTHES FACILITY FACILITY FOR SITTING CANTEENS SHELTERS, REST ROOMS AND LUNCH ROOMS CRECHES WELFARE OFFICERS NON- STATUTORY MEASURES MEDICAL BENEFITS EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS HOUSING FACILITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY CONSUMER COPERATIVE SHOPS TRANSPORTATION FACILITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING HOLIDAY HOME ANDLEAVE TRAVEL FACILITY NAD MANY MORE. Statutory measures in GSK nabha Facilities for sitting sec 44 For workers who are to work in a standing position, suitable arrangement for sitting shall be provided in the factories. This enables workers to take advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in the course of their work. In GSK with the workshops there are sitting facilities available like desk and benches at the corner of walls and are there in order to enable worker to take rest because of any opportunity which may occur in course of their work. First Aid Appliances: Sec 45 of factories act states that if a factory possesses 150 workers then there should be a first aid box and cupboards equipped with the required contents in every factory. This should be readily accessible to them during all working hours. The number of such first aid boxes shall not be less than one 150 workers in the factory. Now in case of GSK there are two ambulances which are available for 24: 7 within the factory premises. There is small dispensary which has trained doctors, two nurses and a compounder during the factory hours. These doctors and medical staff and other medical staff is available during the night hours. Even there are 10-15 first Aid boxes available in respective departments of HEEP and CFFP i.e. in material department, production department, Administrative buildings, workshops, even in canteen. Canteens : we have in total of 3 canteens in GSK , Hardwar unit. 2 canteens are in HEEP unit and 1 canteen in CFFP unit. In HEEP we have one staff canteen where executives can have lunch and other two canteens were from shop level to supervisor have lunch. GSK offers subsidized canteen facility to its employees. One plate of food cost 50 paisa and one tea two snacks costs 25 paisa. Also there is a officer appointed to check on food quality the canteen is run by organization itself. 4)Shelters rest room and lunch rooms: As per section47 of factories act 1948, GSK have rest rooms, small lunch rooms, gardens where employees/workers can rest during lunch hour or free time. The rooms are cleaned everyday having separate area for drinking water. There is separate water room for water cooler, comfortable table and chairs for rest purpose. 5) Crà ¨ches facilities: Under section 48in GSK NABHA, we have the facility of crà ¨che available for women workers employed in the factory. The crà ¨ches is located within the factory premises near the entrance gate rooms are well adequately lighted ventilated, clean and with a trained woman who looks after the children and infants. The children are given healthy food with milk thrice in a day in morning during noon and once in evening time Welfare officers: AS per sec.49 GSK is having a separate department which looks after the facilities (welfare) provided to workers. They keep check on quality of food in canteen, in crà ¨che, also on condition of rooms. Mr.C.S. SHARMA is head of welfare department in GSK NABHA.. These above statutory measures are followed at very large level in all GSK units admit has lead to building up of a positive, motivated(1130) which can b retained for a longer period. Non statutory/voluntary measures- 1.Medical benefit at GSK Medicare is a federally administered health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, certain disabled individuals that have been receiving Social Security Disability Insurance for 24 months, and for people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant). Medicare was created as part of the Social Security Act of 1965, and currently provides benefits to over 40 million people.Effective January 1, 2006, Medicare will begin providing outpatient prescription drug benefits to beneficiaries for the first time in the history of the program. Drug coverage and benefit design varies according to the Part D plan selected. Each year, Medicare beneficiaries may elect to sign up for a Medicare plan that includes Part D coverage. During this inaugural year, the open enrollment period runs through May 15, 2006. Additional information is available at and through Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Educational facility- GSKprovides VOCATIONAL TRAINING to different students of different field such as MBA-HR and FINANCE, b-tech all. Housing facility- GSK provides housing facility to its employees and has its own township which is called BIR NIWAS in nabha. Each apartment has set of rooms from 2-5 and employees are charged very minimal amount as rent of house. With the housing, GSK also provide free electricity (certain units), free water facility and free housing maintence etc. Also for the retired employed, GSK also provide them free housing facility for first 2 months of retirement, but other are charged Rs.4000/month as per separate accommodation. Recreational facilities- Not only focusing on productivity, GSK keep their employees engaged in various sports and cultural activities. We have GSK CLUB and STADIUM where different activities like sports and swimming are played. In CONVENTIONAL HALL for picture and plays, cultural activities are conducted. On the eve of Independence Day, republic day there are various cultural programs, parade are organized. Not only these, within factory premises, there are inter- unit competitions are conducted like different sports activities running are conducted on national holidays. For the welfare of women there is ladies club managed by wives of employees. They have their own work related by weaving, stiching, photocopy, making masalas etc. Every year, GSK contributes some part of their earning into WOMEN/LADIES CLUB. Other Voluntary measures/ Benefits and pay (TotalReward) TotalReward is how GSK rewards its employees for their contribution to its success. But its more than just a salary it rewards high performance, invests in development, partners with employees to save for the future, and supports employees health and wellbeing: Pay salary, bonus/sales incentives and recognition awards Shares Savings share plans, savings plans, pension plan Health Life Healthcare Plan, Health MOT, Holidays, Employee Assistance Programme, Tax-free: Plans, Discounts Development Performance and Development Plan The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Offering competitive pay that rewards performance is critical to their long-term success. GSK pay programmes are designed to give the opportunity to earn good rewards for good performance and superior rewards for superior performance. Key features: A competitive base salary An annual bonus which is the main reward for performance, both Company performance and individual performance A Recognition Program to recognize and reward special achievements and contributions by employees and teams The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Shares Savings The GSK share plans give employees a stake in GSKs success and the ability to gain in line with the shareholder value them help create. GSK also helps their employees save for the future by contributing to their pension, and offering a range of tax-efficient savings plans and financial education programmes to help them make the most of their TotalReward. Key features: A money purchase Pension Plan in which GSK contributes a minimum of 5% of your pensionable pay and matches employee contributions up to another 5% A ShareReward plan in which employee receive a free GSK share for every share they buy Financial Education Programme, providing employee with a wide range of financial planning options Long-term incentives, if eligible, to give employee a personal stake in GSKs future The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK Health Life GSKs mission is to help people do more, feel better and live longer, and this approach is extended to GSK employees. Health Life plans are designed to make it easier for you to balance your work and personal life and to care for yourself and your family whatever your circumstances. Key features: Healthcare: designed to give employee and their family access to prompt medical treatment when and where they need it Employee Assistance Programme: designed to offer a helping hand when it comes to organising and dealing with the pressures of work and family life Tax-free: bikes, childcare, health assessment and holiday: a range of salary sacrifice plans designed to save money in exchange for benefits Car Allowance: if eligible, a monthly car allowance which employee can use to purchase a car through the scheme or take as cash the choice is their. Discounts: a range of discounted products and services designed to support employee health, wealth and well-being Holidays: employees are entitled to 26 paid personal holiday days each year (increasing to 27 days after five years service and 28 days after 10 years service) plus eight paid public holidays and the opportunity to sacrifice salary to buy five more additional days. If they join during the year (January to December) their entitlement will be prorated .The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Development Be the best that you can be. At GSK, your Performance and Development Plan helps you understand what you need to do to contribute to GSKs success, how you need to perform and how to develop your career at GSK. PDP: helps you identify what you need to do and the behaviours you need to demonstrate to achieve success as well as the areas you need to develop to attain greater reward The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. PROOFS GSK REIMBURSEMENT RESOURCE CENTER The BEXXAR ® THERAPEUTIC REGIMEN (Tositumomab and Iodine I Tositumomab) PATIENT INFORMATION FORM Please fax completed Form to: (866) 216-5292 Phone: (800) 745-2967 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Patients Last Name First Middle Initial Social Security Number Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State ZIP Code Home Telephone Primary Insurance Secondary Insurance Company Name ______________________________________________ __________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Subscribers Name __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Relationship to Patient _________________________________________ __________________________________________ Social Security #______________________ Date of Birth _____________ _____________________ Date of Bir___________ Policy ID # ______________________ Group # ____________________ ________________________Group #____________ Employer ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Please attach GSK Reimbursement Resource Center Patient Authorization to Release and Disclose Medical Information Form (If you do not have the patient authorization form, please call (800) 745-2967 to request it. We will not be able to provide patient-specific reimbursement services without the signed authorization.) Patient Medical Information Name of Treatment Site where BEXXAR will be administered:_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Administering treatment site contact name Contact Telephone # BEXXAR Therapeutic Regimen will be provided [ ] Outpatient Hospital [ ] Inpatient Hospital [ ] Free Standing Facility Primary Diagnosis (Please provide actual code or codes): _________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Treatment(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justification for BEXXAR Therapeutic Regimen (check all that apply) [ ] Statement of Medical Necessity attached [ ] Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Authorized Prescribing Physicians Signature Date _________________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Prescribing Physicians Name (Please print) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Issues regarding GLAXO SMITHKLINE ARTICLE(issue addressed on child healthcare by gsk) The Childrens Health Funds Referral Management Initiative Homeless and disadvantaged children are especially vulnerable to illness. Theyre more likely to suffer from acute and chronic illnesses such as asthma. Many do not receive vaccinations. Yet millions of these children cannot get healthcare because there is no transportation, or because there arent enough doctors, in disadvantaged communities. Sometimes there are language barriers. These problems all make it difficult for their families to keep hospital appointments. The Childrens Health Fund provides a Referral Management Initiative (RMI) to help children get the care they need whenever they are referred to a specialist. The RMI reminds families about doctor appointments by phone and mail. It also provides door-to-door transport to clinics and can even provide translation services if necessary. When the program began, one in twenty children who were referred to a specialist actually made it to the appointment; now-through the RMI-three out of four do. GSK is the sole funder of the RMI and has awarded $8 million to date. The program is expanded from New York to Washington, DC, Dallas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and South Florida,india. CHF hopes to introduce similar initiatives nationwide. Irwin Redlener, President of the Childrens Health Fund, comments The Childrens Health Fund partnership with GSK has been responsible for positively transforming the lives of tens of thousands of medically underserved children in need of specialist care. ANALYSIS THE article discuss about the issue of healthcare in different countries like Washington, DC, Dallas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and South Florida,india which has been addressed by gsk at large scale by initiating a system of referral management initiative which aims at providing funds and healthcare facility to children in above mentioned countries and this initiative has been applied to the labour working in the same company through same RMI system though an expeniditure of dollar 8 million till date that means GSK is not only concerned about their employees only but they are concerned about the society from which they are coming and hence creating better human resource. CASE STUDY(issue regarding allotment of medical benefit to workers aswell as society) GLOBAL P U B L I C P O L I C Y I S S U E S GlaxoSmithKlines Position GSK is a leader in: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Applying computerised statistical tools to facilitate the evaluation of safety information through, for example, the identification of unexpected adverse events that are being reported on a disproportionate basis (safety signals). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Evaluating and applying pharmacogenetics2 to enhance the risks and benefits of our medicines for patients. As part of our efforts, we collect blood samples for potential DNA analysis in the majority of our Phase I, II and III drug development trials (with ethics committee review .. GSK is in regular dialogue with Regulators (e.g. US FDA, EMEA and Japans Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) regarding how PGx data should be interpreted and applied on a case by case basis during the development, licensing and post marketing phase of a medicine. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supporting the public disclosure of the results (including safety information) from GSK sponsored clinical trials. In 2004 we launched the GSK Clinical Study Register which provides summary results from all GSK sponsored trials (phase I-IV) of marketed medicines completed since the formation of GSK. These summaries include all the serious adverse events and common adverse events reported in the trials. Proposal for Enhancing Pharmacovigilance Data Collection and Evaluation The tools and processes used in pharmacovigilance are continually evolving. Effective use of these tools, along with improved reporting and communication tools, helps to ensure that potential and actual side effects can be better identified in investigational and marketed medicines. GSK recommends that initiatives to improve the pharmacovigilance framework should include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Improved reporting: Collection of data on rare side effects through company or regulatory agency databases serves as an important starting point for possible further action. However, one of the shortcomings of this system is the variable nature of reporting and the quality of reports received. One of the chief difficulties with side effect reporting is ensuring the quality of the databases, and obtaining any necessary follow-up information. Resources are often expended in contacting health care professionals regarding aspects of a report they have filed. In some instances, the reporter is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient detail to allow for a rigorous evaluation of the reported event. GSK would therefore support initiatives aimed at improving pharmacovigilance through improved education of medical students and physicians regarding the quality of ADR reporting. Training modules could explain the role and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in reportin g ADRs; how to identify and evaluate an ADR; and how to prepare and submit reports of high quality Real-life / real-time databases: Pharmacovigilance could be enhanced by using novel technologies to allow companies and regulators to access anonymised data obtained from the use of medicines in clinical practice. For example, information captured systematically in electronic patient records could help identify a potential association between a side effect and a particular medicine or combination of medicines, by facilitating a comparison of side effects be

Self Harm And Suicide In Prison

Self Harm And Suicide In Prison Although specific explanations have been put forward by those attempting to explain self harm and suicide, they can each generally fit into one of two main larger theories. The first, that the individual characteristics of inmates themselves are explanatory variables and that their susceptibility to self-harm and suicide is essentially imported into prison. The second, that it is the environmental factors characteristic of prison which actually act as a causative link between prisoners and acts of self-harm or suicide. The ideas behind these explanations are informed by an even larger theoretical debate around how people adjust to prison generally; the two contrasting arguments are known as the importation and deprivation models. The first point to examine is the validity of argument that individual characteristics are indeed what primarily predisposes prisoners to self-harm and suicide. Such arguments stem from the importation model, which supports the notion that prisoners already possess certain characteristics making them more likely to self-harm before they are even in prison. According to Irwin and Cressey (1962, p.145) a clear understanding of inmate conduct cannot be obtained simply by viewing prison culture or inmate culture as an isolated system springing solely from the conditions of imprisonment. The factors researchers have tended to focus on include; gender, age, psychiatric, history, offence-type, legal status and sentence length. Zamble and Porporino have outlined adverse life events, negative interpersonal relationships, social and economic disadvantage, alcohol and drug addiction, contact with criminal justice agencies, poor educational and employment history, low self-esteem, poor problem-s olving ability, and low motivational drive (cited in Liebling,1995,p. 181) as the characteristics of prisoners which can be relied upon in identifying risk factors. In a recent study conducted by Humber et al (2011), prisoner characteristics of suicide victims were in England and Wales were examined. They suggested that amongst the prison population there are particular groups more likely to be suicidal. This included; female prisoners, those who have been identified as being at risk of self-harm/suicide, those with a psychiatric illness and those with a history of violence. As has been discussed above, a vast amount of international research on prison suicide and self-harm has sought to understand this behaviour through focussing in on the individual characteristics of inmates. Due to the fact causes of suicide have been so strongly aligned with personal attributes of prisoners, public policy has often been structured with an emphasis on the prediction, prevention, and treatment of suicidal prisoners (Hayes ,1999). However, in focussing solely on the prisoners alone ignores a significant component of prison and that is the harsh environment and constraints which it enforces upon inmates. If the notion of imported vulnerability is relied upon in explaining suicide, it is assumed that one already exhibits certain traits before they were put in prison, such an assumption raises several questions of doubt. Prison suicide rates are commonly compared with those of the general population and this has highlighted that prisons have a higher number of suicides re lative to their population than that of mass society. It must be asked then if people already have certain characteristics before they get to prison then what is that leads them to suicide in prison and not in the outside world. The importation model also fails to explain those who have previously never suffered mental illness or any characteristic associated to being susceptible to suicide, but yet once imprisoned begin self-harming or even commit suicide. Rather than thinking of suicide as an individual issue, perhaps it should be approached from an institutional perspective which looks to its own walls for answers and not just at those who inhibit it. Liebling (1995, 1999) has repeatedly emphasised that concentrating studies exclusively on the individual is conceptually limited and she has stressed the need to approach prison suicide from an institutional perspective. Such discourse aligns with the deprivation model of thinking, originating from the work of (Clemmer,1940), (Goffman,1961) and (Sykes,1958). The deprivation model purports that it is the pains of imprisonment or deprivations suffered in prison, that primarily influences ones response to imprisonment. Sykes (1958) described; deprivations of security, autonomy, sexual desire, liberty, and goods and services as being central to the construction of such an environment. He suggested that prisoners could display self-centred and egotistical alienative modes of behaviour that arose from being forced to conform to roles commensurate with prison regimes and having to fit in with prison social life( Sykes,1958 p.295). More recently, De Viggianni (2007) and Ireland (2000), have also looked into incarceration and consequential suicidal behaviour. They drew correlations between such behaviour and the socio-environmental factors specific to prisons such as, a lack of support the presence of gang culture, and the prison code and its enforcement. It would therefore appear that the deprivation model is proposing that the more severe the consequences of the institutional regime are, the greater the likelihood of suicide occurring in prison. Huey and Mcnulty (2005) drew the conclusion that it is overcrowding so commonly experienced by prisons which plays a pivotal role in deprivation and consequently on prison suicide. A prison which is overcrowded and under staffed is undeniably more likely to have a decrease in standards. Services such as medical care, and unfavourable dynamics like staff-offender ratio, limited activities, a lack of food and clothing, unwanted interactions, and fluctuating social structures within the prison can all stem from overcrowding and all contribute to an increased risk of self-harm and suicide (Anasseril,2006). Lieblings (1992) study, involving interviews with prisoners who had attempted suicide whilst inside indicated that a prisoners vulnerability to suicide is also extremely relative to the suppor t and contact received from family and friends on the outside. She found that a scarcity of visits, written communications, and contact with community release/probation programs can detach a prisoner from the outside world and thus induce self- harming acts. She has also associated the use of time and opportunities available to prisoners with the likelihood of suicide. Believing that the ways in which inmates serve their sentences, can dramatically affect their mental state, she highlights inactivity as a crucial aspect of this. In New Zealand, the prison population is approximately 8698 people, with the imprisonment rate having increased by 53% in the last decade. (Department of Corrections, 2012a). Within his work calling for prison reform, Director of Rethinking Crime and Punishment, Kim Workman has alluded to the importance of values in prison. He suggests New Zealand needs to create a humane, just and workable prison system that attempts to reduce the pain of imprisonment(2009, p.18) and if a move can be accomplished from managing risk to creating a system supporting inmates to achieve their best, then that will be a major achievement. Although of course all prisons vary and some more than others would display the institutional paradigms as discussed above. Evidence suggests that prisons generally are lacking, at least on some level in providing the services needed and to the extent needed to ensure the health and well being of prisons is addressed and thus suicidal behaviour is reduced. What deprivation based theories could be critiqued in ignoring though, is that the prison environment can in some instances have a positive influence on inmates and work in improving peoples lives, leading them away from self- harm and suicide. In New Zealand numerous programmes exist to enhance the rehabilitation of prisoners, including; motivational programmes; rehabilitation programmes; education and employment programmes; and reintegration programmes. A recent example of the success these programs occurred this month when a group of prisoners at Auckland Region Womens Corrections Facility were the first to graduate from the Sma ll Motors Engineering course(Department of Corrections,2012b). Additionally, just as the importation model can be critiqued for its failure to see the prison itself as a problem, the deprivation model could arguably be seen to not fully engage the personal traits of the individual inmate. It would appear that the deprivation and importation models are rarely considered in unison, however it is beginning to become acknowledged that an integrated model of prison suicide could be the most sufficient method of furthering research and consequently preventing self-harm and suicide (Dear, 2006; Liebling,2006; Towl, Snow and McHugh, 2001). Through considering both models simultaneously a more and realistic and practical grasp on the occurrence of suicide can be ascertained, as more often than not both the environment somebody is confronted with and their own personal traits act combine together in influencing their resulting behaviour and well-being. Preventing Suicide Throughout research attempts, no one trigger has been able to conclusively identify the reasoning behind why people commit suicide in prison. It can thus be assumed that no single solution will successfully achieve the goal of suicide prevention and a multi-disciplinary approach is required if an effective outcome is ever going to be reached. In conjunction with this there must be a commitment from the prison and department to actually adopt and apply prevention strategies, because no matter how complete a strategy may be, it is worthless without implementation. In looking to the research which has been done on suicide prevention, it has been found that when comprehensive prevention programs have been implemented considerable decreases in suicides and suicide attempts have been accomplished (Cox and Morschauser, 1997, Gallagher and Dobrin, 2005; White and Schimmel, 1995). It must be noted however that the specifics of these programs should be relevant to local resources and inmate needs, for example a prevention program designed in America for a maximum security prison would not have a positive preventive effect if enforced on a smaller medium security prison in New Zealand. Konrad et al, 2007 have comprised an outline of several key components they believe necessary to any prison suicide prevention strategy. The first aspect outlined is training, specifically of correctional officers whom are the ones with the inmates on a constant basis, mental health professionals will never be available at all times to all prisoners and thus officers mus t be trained to develop an intuitive sense about the mental state of the inmates under their care. Training must also be kept constant, they suggest at least once a year. Screening is the second preventative tool they refer to. Suggesting that screening should take place immediately as they inmate arrives and if possible screening should be carried out within the context of an intake medical and psychological assessment, conducted by relevant professionals. Where it is the responsibility of correctional staff they should have specific training. Communication is also a vital factor and records of such screening should be kept so as all staff can become aware of at risk prisoners and not just the one person who did the screening. If a prisoner identifies as high risk this should not be ignored and immediate professional help should be provided. They stress that screening should not just be a one off measure, but must take place regularly to be effective as suicide prevention involves on-going observation. If an inmate has been recognised as suicidal, Konrad et al emphasise that they should not be left alone and adequate monitoring is essential as suicide can happen within minutes. They further the importance of human contact by including social interaction as a key preventative aspect. Referring to the success of a social support system which has been provided through the use of specially trained inmate buddies or listeners. In terms of the more physical elements of the prison itself the authors outline that a suicide-safe environment is necessary. In building on these key components, it is also necessary to consider the prison atmosphere in general in relation to the pressures and harsh mentality it exerts. Prison has been described as an intrinsically non-therapeutic environment (Department of Corrections, 2008), yet we are frequently sending people there who exhibit severe mental illnesses and numerous other vulnerabilities. Of course some people are a danger to society and it cannot be expected that these people are simply excused from prison due to certain characteristics, however, the environment inmates are living in, could be changed. Instead of focussing on locking people up with no stimulis or contact with others, the focus should be on giving prisoners the chance to change and we cannot expect this from taking everything away from someone. Just by being in prison one has given up any liberties and power but by taking away even the smallest of luxuries like the ability to exercise or go outside or even have a pen and paper is not only depriving but also preventing growth within that person. Self-harm and suicide will inevitability continue to occur if people are completely deprived of any sort of life except simply existing within four walls. The system must gain the ability and willingness to identify the vulnerability of each prisoner, provide the necessary supervision and support, and create an atmosphere in prison where the opportunity exists to cope with and reduce emotional distress which commonly develops into self-harm or suicidal behaviour Conclusion This paper has considered the concerning issue of self-harm and suicide in prisons. Numerous existing explanations for this behaviour have been explored within the two main theoretical spheres of the importation and deprivation models. The latter part of this essay has focussed on possible preventative strategies aimed at counteracting the causative factors forming the varying explanations for self harm and suicide. In drawing all the components of this paper together, prison is a place which comprises of a number of more vulnerable population groups coupled with an environment which is more commonly designed to be harsh, punitive and for adult men who are sound in body and mind. This combination of factors ignores who is really in our prisons and fails to aid the aims of prisoner safety and rehabilitation. As a result of these imbalances, self-harm and suicide occurs and in order to combat this, an environment which offers more than the luxury of just existing must be sought.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay :: essays research papers

Unit 1: Narrative Essay Feeling complete with your own personal mental and physical standpoints is essential if you ever want a fulfilling relationship. Knowing your own ability to live vigilantly day to day, being gratified with the prospects of how you are living your life up untill this point. This is what determines wether your ready to take the step into entering a relationship. Every point in ones life is a learning experience. Treating past relationships as learning experiences help to better your understanding of what your really looking to gain out of future relationships. The following paragraphs discuss a story of my past. This story revolves around a relationship taking place at a negative point in my life. So my lesson to you is one I learned the hard way. Being happy with yourself is vital before attempting to by happy with someone else. To mentally set the scene for my story, I will give some background into my mental and physical standpoint. During the time of this story, I was under a lot of stress from various circumstances. I had just recently lost my job at Subway and had no source of income. Becouse I lost my job, I had no longer the money nor the resources to continue with athletic training. Taking the three months off from athletic training had a negative effect on my physical appearence. With a noticable loss of physical appearence, my self esteem began to drop slightily. So all together, threw one run of bad luck into another, i was spiraling down into a depression like state. It all started the first week of grade 10. I was walking to math class and i met up with a few of my lunch crew friends. I noticed my friend Ashlea talking to Erin Berring. Erin was an attractive, smart and fashonable girl. I always had a thing for smarties. In school she had straight A's, and was also the leader of the female wrestling team. I felt a little up on myself that day for some reason. I figured there was no better time then the present to chat it up a little. The conversation went quite well, which was different from what I expected. She even asked for my number so we could continue our talk later that night. "Why would she be interested in me?," I said to myself. After all, she seemed way out of my league.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Do People Have the Right to Die? Essay -- Euthanasia, Physician Assist

Living life at age twenty-eight is an amazing adventure. People are at their prime – being active and living life to the fullest. However, for Nancy Cruzan, a terrible car accident took that all away. One night, driving on a quiet road in Missouri, Nancy’s car rolled off the road and into a ditch. For twenty minutes she lay there alone and lifeless. Then, a paramedic car drove by and saw the car in distress. They pulled Nancy out, and miraculously revived her back to life. However, she had damaged her cerebral cortex, the vital end of the brain that gives humans all motor functions, senses, and communication. Nancy was left in what is called a persistent vegetative state (PVS), which â€Å"is a legal term defined in 765.101 (12) Florida statutes as: ‘a permanent and irreversible condition of unconsciousness in which there is – a) the absence of voluntary action or cognitive behavior of any kind; and b) an inability to communicate or interact purpos efully with the environment.† (Snow 3). Many people refer to this state as being a â€Å"vegetable.† After contemplating the situation for a long while, Nancy’s family decided that it would be best to remove the feeding tube that was forcibly keeping her alive. However, Nancy had no living will or health care power of attorney which was needed by law to remove the tube. Does her family have the right to make the decision to end her life, when she cannot make that decision herself? Who does have that right? Do people have the right to die? This incident started many people thinking about what they believe about the issue of the right to die and physician assisted suicide. The story of Nancy Cruzan is only single scenario out of many that people have to decide where they... 24 November 1998. Video. Right to Die. Public Broadcasting System, Oregon. Newman, Ed. â€Å"Part Five: Making The Final Choice: Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legalized.† The Truth Seeker 121.5 (1992). 15 October 2005> Newman, Ed. â€Å"Part Three: Local Perspectives on the Right to Die Debate.† Detroit Free Press FREEP 15 October 2002> Paris, John. â€Å"Hugh Finn’s Right to Die.† America (1998). 15 October 2005> Snow, Constance. â€Å"The Right to Die?† Tampa Bay New Times May/June (2000). 23 October 2005> â€Å"The Perspectives in Brief.† Public Agenda Online (2002). 13 October 2002>

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case Study Week

If your international firm were doing business in Asia, is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing? Be specific. If my company started or planned on doing business in Asia it should be my job to try and fit in with the culture of Asia with respect, not saying that I have to change my whole life to suit them, but for instance if you speak a language it should be my job to learn and speak and adapt, not come o Asia speaking only English and expect everyone to do the same, it isn't fair. . In your opinion, is globalization among the causes of the increasing incidence of divorce, crime, and drug abuse in Asia? Why or why not? Crime and violence is all over the world no matter where you live, but I have to say after reading a little bit of the story and thinking yes it could be a cause, with the ports open to trading and the lines of communication are more advanced like internet, television.You live dress a certain way and all a sudde n you append to get a glance at other girls are dressing, all of a sudden you're talking with someone from America, you start hearing the type of freedom you have to way life is being lived, then the person from Asia get curious, what to try and explore a whole new world, then word get around and everyone wants to go 3. Broadly defined, Asia comprises more than 60 percent of the world's population-? a population that practices Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and numerous other religions.Thus, do you hind it is possible to carry on a valid discussion of â€Å"Asian† values? Why or why not? For me Religion is not a subject that talk about too broad and you'll never win in any debate, everyone has their opinion. All the practices listed above all have a different way of living, like what they eat, drink, how they dress, treat people. So if you don't have much information or knowledge to hold a conversation you'll be up against a big battle. So the best thing to do would be to know about each religion in detail to avoid conflict. Consider the following statement: â€Å"Economic development and capitalism require a certain style of doing business in the twenty- first century. The sooner Asian cultures adapt the better. † Do you agree or disagree? Explain. There are many companies that are trying to learn how to adapt to the Asia culture by doing so you have a better chance of doing business and being successful. There's no rule that says cultures need to adapt they can make changes but they need to stay true to what they believe in and stay true to them.

Chinese philosophy Essay

Taoism is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that emphasizes hold in harmony with the Dao or Tao. Tao, the core c one timept of Taoism, stands for dash, the representation of every social occasion, the way shows how our universe of discourse run, the way how item-by-items git improve their soles better. In run downs dynasty, in that location were gl adapt different philosophers lecture about Tao/Dao. Gradually, the main definition of Taoism became ambiguous. Taoism, cognize by a religion, is very antediluvian in China. Taoism is about multi- immortals. Besides those gods who once appe atomic number 18d in the immortal stories, there ar many gods who were greatest educator or philosophers as well.Such as the gain of the theory of Taoism, Lao Zi, he is the highest-level god in the religion. Moreover, great educators and historical muckle like Confucian and Mencius or the scrapper Yue Fei or Guan Gong, they are excessively the gods in the religion. Taoists are seeking immortality. From the foundation of Taoism in 2 AD, Taoists have been seeking the crush way to longer their lives. Taoists dont care about what go forth get hold after life. During these two gm years, besides the development of their belief, Taoists also plant a great contri saveion to iatrology. there are two part of Taoism in China. One is called Zheng Yi Jiao and the early(a) called Quan Zhen Jiao. Zheng Yi Jiao was original from Wu Dou Mi Jiao, founded by Zhang Daoling while Quan Zhen Jiao was founded by Wang Chongyang. Now, in China main land, most Taoism temples are Quan Zhen Jiao. As for Zheng Yi Jiao, most Taoists are living in Taiwan now. Taoists of Quan Zhen Jiao must be vegetarians, living in temple and vesture the Taoist clothes. On the contrary, Zheng Yi Taoist dont need to live in the temple. They can get married and eat meat as well.In China, Taoism is of the essence(predicate) not because it is a religion but it is part of the culture. In other words, there is a strong interaction amidst the developments of Taoism and Chinese culture. Taoism is an ancient philosophical system and also a religion. When talking about Taoism as a philosophy, it is based on the theories from Lao Zi, Kong Zi (Confucian), Zhuang Zi, Meng Zi (Mencius) etc. All of them are from cream puff to Zhanguo Dynasty but Lao Zi is the founder of the philosophy of Taoism. Lao Zi was a wise man in Zhou Dynasty that is the third dynasty of Chinese culture.The main book of Lao Zi is called . It is say that Lao Zi was sitting on a bull going out of the city. The shelter recognized Lao Zi and asked him where he was going. Lao Zi did not say a thing but left to the guard. In , Lao Zi addressed the basic theories of the universe and individual behaviors. Lao Zi maintains the universe is the root of everything. We should obey the natural changes so that we can consider things better. The book is the foundation of Taoism and also of other philosophers theories becau se, as what I mentioned above, the core theory is Tao/Dao (way).Zhuan Zi, which is seen as the main developer as Lao Zis theory. In China, people will say Lao Zhuang Zhe Xue which means Lao/Zhuang Philosophy. Zhuang Zi hold the view that Tao/Dao is in the lead human beings and is spirit. Therefore we should follow our spirit. correspond to L/Z Philosophy, Tao/Dao is metaphysis, is beyond our mind, is something we can/should not to change. When it came to Confucian and Mencius, the theories become a little different from the previous ones. Confucian and Mencius focus more on manhood even they started their concept from Tao/Dao.Most Hesperian point of view describe Confucian and Mencius theories as Confucianism. Literately differentiated from Taoism. Personally, comparing Confucianism and Taoism, I would say Taoism is the highest form of Taoism. Confucianism is based on humanity. It is about how to behave as a nice person, to people, to society. However, Taoism is more about the u niverse and about Tao/Dao the highest level in Chinese philosophy and culture. Thus, only learnt how to become a nice person can individuals get through the higher level of the philosophy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparison Paragraph

In the short story deuce Kinds by Amy Tan, with the use of epiphany and bend dextering points the reviewer is able to see the shoplifters growth and change in temperament through bring out the story. The protagonist, Jing-Mei and her pay off emigrated from China to the US, hence the family struggled in adapting to the new culture and biographystyle. hard influenced by the opportunities and hopes with a new life in US, Jing-Meis bring forth treasured Jing-Mei to become a prodigy manage the other girls on television. Jing-Mei was determined and burning to prove to her make she was a prodigy, and thereby had expert confidence in herself.She believed her commence and father would adore her and shed be beyond reproach. (pg4). As Jing-Meis bugger off quizzed Jing-Mei with incalculable questions and tests, Jing-Mei started getting frustrated by her mothers disappointments and something inside her began to die (pg 5). merely at the same time when she stood in front of the m irror the girl staring(a) back at her was angry, powerful. (pg 5) and she saw what seemed to be a prodigy inside of her (pg 5). Jing-Meis mother consequently encouraged Jing-Mei to play forte-piano and perform in a talents show.When Jing-Meis turn came, she was confident and theory without a doubt, that the prodigy inside of her genuinely did exist (pg 7). However, as she started playing she was surprise when she hit the first wrong none. And then hit another and another (pg 7). In the end, Jing-Meis performance was nothing wish she pass judgment she felt the shame of her mother and father as they sat slapdash through the rest of the show (pg 7). later on the talent show, Jing-Meis was devastated and decided she was neer going to play piano anymore she could never be the prodigy or daughter her mother wants her to be.As a consequence Jing-Mei starts to follow her own path, she did not believe that she could be anything she wanted to be, she could all be her (pg 9). Sh e blamed most of her trial on her mother. This this signifi trickce change in attitude portrays profoundly how turning points in life alters a persons perspective and persona. Short story The Stolen company by Liliana Hecker similarly shows how turning points can change in the way a person view things and their initial personality. In Stolen Party the protagonist, Rosaura just like Jing-Mei had full confidence in herself.She believed she was invited to a company as a guest, she firmly declares shes been invited because Luciana is her companion (pg 11). However, her mother, who is a maid for Lucianas family warns Rosaura that Luciana is not her friend (pg 11) and that Rosaura is only recognized as the maids daughter. Her mother in any case advises Rosaura not to go the bit because its a rich mints political party (pg 11). Rosaura disregards her mother and attends the party anyways. At the party, Rosaura is treated like a guest and asked to participate in the activities, she als o received a delightful eulogy from the magician.This made Rosaura proud and encouraged. When the party ended, Senora Ines were gaving out pink and blue bags to the the guests at the party. Roasaura expected Senora Ines to also hand her the goodie, only when when it was her turn Senora Ines didnt cypher in the pink bag. Nor did she look in the blue bag. Instead she rummaged in her purse. In her hand appeared two bills. (pg 14). Rosaura has an epiphany, she realizes she wasnt invited as a guest to the party, but rather as a servant to help out like a Senora Ines pet (pg 14).Just like Jing-Mei, Rosauras perspective changes instantly. She suddenly understands what her mother has been laborious to teach her and is now well cognizant of her position and social status, and so she instinctively press herself against her mothers body (pg 14) for support. This shows the difference in her initial personality. In conclusion, in Two Kinds and The Stolen Party the protagonists turning poi nts and epiphanies play a significant role in the alter of their perspective and persona.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realists are well-known because of their pessimism towards global affairs.This theory can be regarded as a prescription to be followed by politicians and states or as a description of current affairs of the state or politician pursuing self-interest. Realism in politics is often defined as a principle of power supremacy, and it has a long history since the ancient times. It was reflected in Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. This theory was also touched by Machiavelli in his writing The Prince, as well as by other outstanding philosophers like Spinoza, Hobbes and Rousseau.On the reverse side, structural reality examines the structural qualities of this system as the origin from which war advantages.(Ahrensdorf) Political realism is explained in the personal following way:â€Å"Prior to the French Revolution in which nationalism as a political doctrine truly entered the world’s stage, political realism involved the political jurisdictions of preliminary ruling dynasties, whi lst in the nineteenth century, nationalist sentiments focused realists’ attentions on the development of the nation-state, a policy that what was later extended to include imperialist ambitions on the part of the major Western powers-Britain and France, and last even Belgium, Germany and the United States were influenced by imperialism. † (Viotti, Kauppi).Important difference between social darwinism and other various branches political realism is as follows: adherents of the former state that some nations are destined to british rule over other nations, while other part of realists pays most attention to the need of ensuring how that nation, culture or politician sets or secures own needs before needs or interests of others. Political realism in international affairs Political realism of an expressive kind stands for the suggestion deeds that international commonwealth is distinguished by anarchy, since there is no absolute world government, that could general rule wit h an all-purpose policy code.

Its normal that realism is not really realistic.17, ‘Of Commonwealth, cited in Griffiths, O’Callaghan). Respectively, without any supreme international force, nations treat each other with hostility or fear, and it damages the system. Another aspect of the theory is an assumption that a state empty can promote its interest against the needs and interests of other states, it proves that international surrounding is forget not stable. Any order is affected if states compete for the same need, and under such circumstances, as the realists state, the nation may rely on itself only.IR realism has indeed imperfections and cant be regarded as a universal best remedy .† (Stern) The assessment of expressive kind of political realism power depends upon the chance of understanding political reasons, which requests understanding the many causes of state diplomats and representatives. The pattern of officers’ relations, their motives and actions is complex. Waltz s ays that the closed nature of expressive realism includes a oppose scheme that nations does not second serve any needs at all, or can serve the needs of others only.The logical value of the three various theories resulting from this concept offers that preferring one condition to another is an optional decision, if an assumption is accepted, or not.

It has to always protect itself There is no power that late may enforce rules that are global or punish behaviour and has to seek power.Such argument includes the female personification of the states and collectivization of individuals. Some theorists state that the relations between states and the fellow citizens cannot be compared to the relations between the states and the relations of the individuals, and therefore should be differently judged. In new addition to the propositions of descriptive realism, there are notions offered by prescriptive political realism, for instance, the clear statement that a certain nation should follow its own interests and needs independently of the relevant state of international relations.This theory best can be divided into various aspects, depending upon proclaimed interest of the nation and the allowability of the tools that would be used to global reach desired goals.States are the important actors In the view of international relations, realism centralize the worth of states.Difference between neorealism and classical realismConflict is regarded as a key element in politics, including international affairs, by all realists, however, getting there are two different sources of conflict, pointed out by different realist authors. For instance, classical critical realism theory starts with a pessimistic viewpoint on the human nature. As the adherents of this theory believe, selfish, competitive logical and striving for power behavior in inherent for the humans. Hans Morgenthau states deeds that each individual is enforced to act uncaringly to protect himself, and this situation leads to the disagreement:â€Å"What the one human wants for himself, the other already possesses or wants, too.

A state will stay in a place.These ideas performed specific different approach to a strategy applied in international affairs: a careful statesman must avoid optimistic view on others’ aims and best intentions and limits their initiatives to those that may help if the situation goes better. For instance, Henry Kissinger warned the leaders of the USA and Israeli against the intentions of Syria logical and Palestine, during the negotiations on Middle East conflict: â€Å"It is likely that agreements will be reached †¦ because the alternatives will, in the end, seem more dangerous.But when this happens, we must avoid euphoria†¦. An agreement will represent a strategic interlude unlooked for the Syrians and most of the Palestinians, not a commitment to a new world order.e.Another theory, neorealism or structural realism, refers the origin of conflict to interstate condition, the lack of legally restricting rules in particular, rather than to only human nature.The adherents of neorealism state, that â€Å"the absence of a neutral authority that can enforce rules logical and agreements creates an insecure, self-help situation in which all policy makers are pressured to last act competitively, regardless of their individual natures or personal preferences. † (Kegley, Wittkopf) This statement is not new, it appeared in the 17th century in the work of Thomas Hobbes. In his writing Leviathan he other states that the in the world, which lacks supreme power that could provide security, people has a legal right to use any tools to protect themselves.

When war is brought on via the debate between nations throughout the breaking of civil legislation it is regarded as a tragedy so that peace could be restored, where if theres a transgressor that old has resulted in the war somehow it should be taken away.(Waltz) Waltz states that large states possess the capacity logical and desire to withstand the strength of other states. This results, as he sees it, in a tendency of competitiveness among states independently of the views of their leaders concerning domestic policy. Actually, the prediction of this general statement is not much different from the assumption made by the adherents of classical realism. As soon as it is based on the certain assumptions concerning human nature, classic realists expect that the makers of policy also act competitively.It may in fact be attained only by using intimidation and force.As soon as the states’ interests come across in conflict, it is expected that leaders pay much attention to the ir positions in power.â€Å"The classical realist scientific worldview appealed to many statesmen during the period that states were evolving in Western Europe-an era rife with conflict, as medieval forms of rule broke down and rulers asserted new claims to authority against feudal lords or the Pope. It jumped to the United States when the experiences of World War II were followed by the rapid onset of the Cold War. Neorealism later emerged when the bipolarity of the Cold War drew analysts’ attention to the effects of the structure of the interstate system†.

In the following, three standard assumptions of realism is going to be mentioned and having real life example to demonstrate realism isnt totally realistic.It is based upon the ideas of Kennan and Morgenthau, including the concepts of diplomacy purposes and international order. It proclaims that a global order is needed to be agreed by the largest states, to provide the promotion of their interests and reduce the threat of terrorists. Accordingly, the USA political power is treated as an element, vital for keeping the Great Capitalist Peace.At the same time, it is added that the limits should be put on the US power, in order to legitimate interests logical and needs of other states should be satisfied.Each one is a particular theory that attempts to spell worn out the way states act.(Lieven, Hulsman) Sources Waltz, K. N. Structural Realism after the Cold War.International Security.

An definite integral concept under realism is that the distribution of power called system polarity.McGraw Hill: NY, 1993. Stern, G. The Structure of kidney International Society. London: Pinter Publishers, 2000.Change in the system will induce change .Oxford University Press, 2004 Griffiths, M. , O’Callaghan, T. International Relations: The Key Concepts. London, Routledge, 2002 Kegley, C.