Thursday, August 15, 2019

Idea Vacation Essay

1. Enough Principle-By believing something will happen, it will. â€Å"You expect bad day and sure enough, sure enough, you get a bad day.† 2. Subconscious- The level of mind through which materials passes on the way towards full consciousness; an information store containing memories that are momentarily outside of awareness but that can easily be brought into consciousness. 3. Reticular Activity- A network of activities of neurons in the brainstem involving in consciousness, regulation of breathing; the transmission of sensory stimuli to high brain centers; a primary alert to awareness network that may function differently in vary degrees of consciousness. 4. Lock –on /Lock –out-An act whereby one has a limited perception of possibilities, problems, or solutions; a restricted narrow, or singular view of alternatives. Lock –on /Lock –out-An act whereby one has a limited perception of possibilities, problems, or solutions; a restricted narrow, or singular view of alternatives 5. Goal / Goal settings-The ac of establishing what we want. 6. Significant- To make a difference; may be positive or negative. 7. Awareness- An internal, subjective state of being cognizant or conscious of something; alert ness; consciousness. 8. Account ability; Responsible; answering for an outcome. 9. Belief- An emotional acceptance of a proposition, statement or doctrine. 10. Perception- Those mental processes that give coherence and unity to sensory input; a conscious event initiated by some external or internal events; an organized complex dependent on a host of other factors (attentions, constancy, motivation, illusions, etc. 1. 11. Scotomas – An expression to indicate that one fails to see or is blind to alternative and therefore can see only limited possibilities; a sensory locking out of information from our environment .

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